
Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Cara Cepat Menaikkan Traffic Rank Alexa

Alexa merupakan sebuah perusahaan yg mengukur trafik ranking dari sebuah web dengan berdasarkan pola penggunaan Alexa Toolbar. Ranking dari sebuah website didasarkan pada pengukuran reach dan pageviews. Reach diukur dengan melihat jumlah dari pengguna internet global yang mengunjungi sebuah site tertentu sedangkan Pageviews merupakan jumlah total dari pengguna alexa yang merequest URL sebuah site. Request URL yang berulang dari 1 user pada hari yg sama akan dihitung sebagai single pageview.

Setelah melihat apa arti dari Alexa tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa alexa rank tentunya sangat berguna untuk melihat seberapa ramaikah web/blog yang kita kelola selama ini. Akan tetapi ada juga beberapa pihak yang kontra terhadap kesimpulan itu. Mereka menilai bahwa perhitungan ranking alexa tidak akurat dan dapat di cheat oleh webmaster yang tentunya berpengalaman dalam bidang itu.

Berikut ini Opung akan menyampaikan cara cepat untuk meningkatkan trafik Alexa Rank. Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Install alexa toolbar. Toolbar ini lebih cocok dengan browser mozilla firefox dan dikenal dengan nama Sparky The Alexa Toolbar for Firefox. Saya sudah memakainya dan performansinya cukup memuaskan. Saya bisa melihat Alexa Rank dari web yang saya kunjungi pada pojok bawah browser firefox.
  2. Pasang widget Alexa pada sidebar atau dibagian lainnya dalam website kalian untuk mengetahui rank alexa dan popularitas link web kalian.
  3. Gunakan Redirect pada link yang menuju pada blog kita. Contoh : Silahkan ganti tulisan yang saya beri warna merah itu dengan URL(alamat) dari web/blog kalian. Saya sering menggunakan alamat redirect ini pada setiap kesempatan, misalnya pada signature email maupun siganture forum yang saya ikuti.
  4. Buat postingan yang berhubungan tentang optimasi Alexa Rank seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang ini. Karena Alexa sepertinya senang dengan hal hal seperti ini.
  5. Buat artikel yang berkualitas, berbobot dan enak untuk dibaca sehingga para pengunjung berasa nyaman saat mengunjungi website kita dan tentunya untuk meningkatkan trafik kunjungan ke web kita.
  6. Sering seringlah lah blogwalking. Kunjungi web/blog milik orang lain dan berikan komentar didalam postingannya sehingga dapat membangun sebuah koneksi hubungan pertemanan sekaligus ajang promosi web/blog kita sendiri.
  7. Bergabung dengan milis atau forum-forum. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan signature yang didalamnya terdapat link website kita.
Selamat mencoba ya..Opung doakan semoga sukses!!

Warisan Michael Jackson Bakal Habis Buat Bayar Hutang?

Cerita tentang almarhum Michael Jackson belum ada habisnya dan masih hangat dibicarakan. Kenapa ya baru pada rame membicarakan karir dan prestasinya setelah dia meninggal. Mungkin itu hukum alam kali ya kalo kita baru menyadari rasa kehilangan setelah orang itu pergi. Masih ingat dulu dengan almarhumah Nike Ardilla?? (he2 bukannya mau nyamain dengan Michael Jackson neh ;) fans Nike Ardilla begitu banyak dan semakin hari semakin bertambah setelah dia meninggal dan lagu lagunya juga semakin sering terdengar dan sempat beberapa kali menduduki peringkat pertama di beberapa radio maupun acara musik di TV. Itupun terjadi setelah ia meninggal. Begitupun berita tentang penyebab kematian dan gaya hidupnya sebelum meninggal selalu dibicarakan dimana-mana.

Begitu pula yang terjadi dengan Michael Jackson. Kali ini banyak yang membicarakan tentang warisan yang ditinggalkan sang King of Pop ini. Berita yang beredar menyebutkan bahwa Jacko meninggal dengan meninggalkan begitu banyak hutang sehingga warisan yang ditinggalkannya akan habis untuk melunasi hutang hutangnya. Tadi siang Opung sempat melihat beritanya di salah satu stasiun TV. Sungguh tragis jika ini benar terjadi dimana kita selalu berfikir sepertinya hidup sang legendaris ini begitu sempurna dengan harta yang melimpah tapi dibalik itu ternyata hutangnya pun melimpah. Namun hal ini sepertinya tidak mengurangi kekaguman para fans Michael Jackson untuk tetap selalu mengenang dan mencintai karya karyanya sepanjang masa. Apa ini yang disebut fans sejati?? Apa yang dapat kita petik dari kejadian ini?? Ternyata hidup manusia tidak ada yang sempurna karena kesempurnaan hanya milik Sang Maha Hidup.

Yang Baru Lulus Ayo Ikut USM STAN

Siapa sih yang gak mau kuliah di tempat bergengsi dan nantinya bisa bekerja di tempat yang bergengsi pula?? pasti banyak dunkz..salah satu tempatnya adalah STAN. Disini salah satu tempat kuliah yang paling banyak diminati karena ya tau sendiri dunkzz alasannya.

Temen-temen ada yang sudah daftar atau baru mau daftar usm stan atau malah udah jadi mahasiswa atau lulusan stan? bisa bagi2 cerita dunkz dengan Opung disini. Sayangnya Opung bukan dari stan jadi maap ya ga bisa bagi2 cerita disini..Jadi buat yang ikut usm stan semangat ya semoga kalian berhasil masuk dan bisa kuliah disini. Buat yang gagal ya jangan berkecil hati..kan masa depan kalian ada di tangan kalian sendiri bukan di tempat kalian berpijak..he2..dimanapun kalian berpijak masa depan tetap kalian yang menentukan sendiri..(berat neh bahasanya). Masih banyak pilihan kan buat meraih cita cita? Pastinya!! Ayo semangat buat pendidikan kita!!

Keep Studying No Tawuran!! Berilah contoh yang baik buat adik adik kita yang masih di bangku sekolah dan tunjukan pada negeri dan pemerintah kita bahwa kita generasi penerus yang bisa diandalkan. Setuju?? Pastinya!!

Belajar dari kasus Pasha Alissya

Temen-temen udah pada tau dunkz hebohnya kasus video ciuman Pasha Ungu dengan bintang muda yang cantik dan lagi naik daun Alyssa Soebandono. Pastinya pada tau dan pastinya ada yang udah download video nya neh..he2 bagi2 dunkz..Opung belum punya neh dan penasaran juga..tapi kalo video Michael Jackson sih Opung ada :).

Menurut pakar telematika yang sudah terkenal di infotainment Roy Suryo video Pasha Ungu ooppss..maksudnya video Pasha Alyssa ini memang benar adanya. Tapi kenapa ya baik Pasha maupun Alyssa sendiri ga mau ngaku. Bahkan Alyssa sendiri sampe berani sumpah segala (Pasha berani gak ya kalo disuruh sumpah juga??he2) Kalo menurut Opung sih kalo emang betul itu mereka ya bukannya mending ngaku saja ya secara itu juga cuma video ciuman bukan yang macem-macem atau yang aneh-aneh. Ini menurut Opung loh. Gimana menurut temen-temen?..

Nah belajar dari kasus Pasya-Alyssa ini kita bisa ambil hikmahnya..jadi kalo kita mau ciuman atau yang macem2 ya jangan di tempat umumlah (kayak gak ada tempat lain saja)..kan masih banyak tempat yang lebih pribadi jadi ga perlu dilihat orang banyak..(contohnya????he2 jawab sendiri ya..).

Coba Menghibur Diri Dengan MP3

Ada yang hobi denger MP3? Wah pastinya banyak neh termasuk Opung. Kalo Opung selain hobi denger juga hobi download MP3 kalo udah download pasti lupa ma makan (soalnya downloadnya abis makan..haha.) Temen-temen semua pasti dah tau dunkz gimana download MP3 jadi ga perlu dijelasin ya..he2..kalo Opung biasanya paling sering download dari searching pake kata MP3 download langsung deh keluar semua yang berbau MP3 buat didownload tapi Opung sih carinya yang free he2 maklum hobi gratisan juga apalagi kalo dah liat kata MP3 free pasti deh disamperin.

Waktu Opung lagi browsing ternyata Michael Jackson MP3 itu banyak yang download ya..mungkin karena sang legendaris ini baru aja meninggalkan kita semua jadi semua yang berbau Michael Jackson pasti diburu apalagi buat para fansnya. Kalo Opung paling suka lagu heal the world nya Michael Jackson..easy listening banget dan banyak maknanya..keren..lagunya Jason Mraz mah lewat apalagi Gita Gutawa (he2 maap neh buat Jason Mraz n Gita Gutawa mania..maap..maap).

Kalo buat Opung cara menghibur diri yang pas ya denger MP3. Kalo temen-temen gimana? pastinya tiap orang punya cara yang berbeda dunkz..he2. Sekarang aja sambil posting Opung lagi denger Saykoji online neh..he2 udah pada tau dunkz lagunya..kalo belum tau download ya..

Akhirnya Bertemu Banyak Teman Lama Lewat FaceBook

Teman-teman pasti sudah banyak yang tau tentang facebook kan?..he2 kali ini opung bukan ingin mengupas tentang facebook ataupun mengajarkan mulai dari facebook login hingga bisa pasang foto ataupun kirim tautan ke teman-teman kita. Opung hanya ingin berbagi pengalaman selama menggunakan facebook.

Awalnya opung gak familiar dengan facebook dan kayaknya males banget buat ikut jejaring sosial semacam friendster ini (soalnya opung udah ikut friendster duluan..he2). Barulah waktu ada temen opung banyak yang minta email facebook opung akhirnya opung jadi mikir.."wah kayaknya gak gaul nih kalo opung gak punya facebook"..waktu itu opung bikin account pake email yahoo dan weiizz...cepet banget daftarnya. Langsung konfirmasi lewat opung punya yahoo dan akhirnya bisa masuk deh ke facebook Indonesia login (opung pake yang bahasa Indonesia..he2). Dari situ opung mulai keranjingan dan gencar cari temen terutama temen2 lama opung..banyak juga ternyata meskipun gak sampe 200 (masih lebih banyak temen-temen opung di sih..he2). Asik juga ternyata berpetualang di facebook dan sampe sekarang masih ketagihan nih..he2..kayak nemu mainan baru.

Temen-temen sendiri gimana? ada yang punya pengalaman seru juga di facebook? pastinya dunkz..he2..bolehlah berbagi dengan opung lewat comment. Ditunggu ya..:)

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Increase Your Traffic and Get Dollar Cash Too..It's Easy

Want Increase Your Traffic and Get Dollar Cash Too? I introduce the simple way for you :

Here at TrafficNowFire we pay YOU to promote your links, click links, vote links, share Youtube videos, join offers by other members, build ranking points, and refer others to do the same. The best links added to TrafficNowFire will rise to the top and the worst are buried as everyone votes on links submitted by everyone else.
How It Works

Earn Points - How to Earn Points?

Click Posted Links:
Log in, then go to the home page and click on any of the links posted by members. You'll earn points for each link you visit. The links will turn gray once you have visited them.
Vote on Links:
Use the icons on the home page to vote up () links you like or vote down () links you don't like. You'll earn 20 points for each time you vote.
Add YOUR Links:
Every time your link receives an "up" vote (), you receive 10 points for each vote. (PRO members)
Add YouTube Videos:
Every time a Youtube video you submitted receives an "up" vote (), you receive 10 points for each vote.
Join Member Offers:
Simply login, go to the Members Offers page and complete the steps to join any one of the offers you find interesting. You'll easily earn up to 100,000 points for each offer you successfully signup for.

For Register : Click Here!!

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Know someone who may like this program? Visit our refer others page in your account to get your personal referral link. You'll earn 10 points from every action they do and commission on any purchases they make and 2500 points instantly when they join and activate their account.

For Register : Click Here!!!

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett Both Die??

The entertainment world suffered a double blow when it was reported early Friday morning that both pop giant Michael Jackson and 1970s TV star Farrah Fawcett had died in Los Angeles. Jackson, the sensationally gifted child star who rose to become the “King of Pop” and the biggest celebrity in the world only to fall from his throne in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday at the age of He was 50.

Jackson died at UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles. Ed Winter, the assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County, confirmed his office had been notified of the death and would handle the investigation. The circumstances of his death were not immediately clear. Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30pm local time (1930 GMT), Capt. Steve Ruda told the Los Angeles Times.

Meanwhile Fawcett, the Charlie’s Angels star whose feathered blond hair and dazzling smile made her one of the biggest sex symbols of the 1970s, died Thursday after battling cancer. She was 62.

The pop culture icon, who in the 1980s set aside the fantasy girl image to tackle serious roles, died shortly before 9:30am in a Santa Monica hospital, spokesman Paul Bloch said. Ryan O’Neal, the longtime companion who had reunited with Fawcett as she fought cancer, was at her side, along with close friend Alana Stewart, Bloch said.

Tricks to Increase Your Alexa Rank

This post is for those whose Alexa’s traffic rankings affect their bottom-line to a certain extend. Here are ten tricks to increase your Alexa ranking.
  1. Install Alexa Toolbar

    There’s no need to install Alexa toolbar on several different computers if they all share the same IP address. Unless of course, each computer access your site alternately on different days.

    Once you set your site or blog as your homepage, you’ll start seeing some increase to you ranking albeit a very small one. This tips works if you have a brand new site. Download Alexa Toolbar here.

  2. Recommend Alexa Toolbar to Your Users

    Write a review about Alexa, similar to what I am doing now and tell your users why Alexa can be important to them. Invite your friends to use Alexa toolbar and explain why it’s beneficial to do so. Make sure they are aware of the privacy issue associate with using Alexa toolbar.

    Again if you have a new blog or site, you’ll notice an increase in your ranking soon.

  3. Create Contents that Appeal to Webmasters

    Since we know Alexa stats is skewed towards webmaster traffic, put this to your advantage by creating contents that attract webmasters and tech savvy readers.

  4. Take Advantage of the Social Bookmarking Sites

    Submit your blog posts to the social bookmark sites like digg, and Stumble Upon or Even if you don’t get to the front page, some visitors will still end up on your site. Since this traffic is targeted to your content, someone might find them useful enough to link to your posts from their blogs.

    Obviously your ultimate aim should be to get into the front page and bring the traffic surge that could significantly impact your Alexa’s traffic ranking.

  5. Create Sub Domains or Run Multiple Blogs Under One Domain

    Alexa merges together sites which they think have the some content. The merged sites would have their traffic combined to form one ranking and listed under the main domain.

    To take advantage of this, you could create another site and run it under a sub domain of your main site. You could offer webmaster tools section to attract webmaster traffic.

    If you have extra bandwidth and web space to spare, offer free blog hosting to your users and host them under sub domains.

    Your will enjoy a greater Alexa ranking as it’s a combination of all the blogs rankings under that domain.

  6. Get Involved In Chinese Sites

    That is, if you know Chinese. There are many Chinese websites ranked highly in the Global Alexa Top 500. To some extent, this reflects the high adoption of Alexa toolbar among Chinese Internet users.

    If you could create a sub domain and run a Chinese blog that attracts Chinese users from China, you could potentially enjoy a greater Alexa ranking.

  7. Remove Unnecessary Secure Pages On Your Site

    Since Alexa toolbar turns itself of on secure pages (https:), sites with secure page views will be under-counted in the Alexa traffic data. So if you have many secure pages, consider disabling them if that doesn’t compromise on your users’ security.

  8. Create Great Content

    Great content attracts readership which translates into more traffic. On the Internet, content is king and some say traffic is the queen. Like everything else, focus on your effort in creating valuable and useful content. Give what your readers want.

    When you got traffic, your Alexa’s rank increase will follow.

"Daniel Craig" For You Girls..

Daniel Wroughton Craig (born 2 March 1968) is an English actor and film producer. His early film roles included "The Power of One", A Kid in King Arthurs Court" and the television episodes "Sharpes Eagle", "Zorro" and The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Daredevils of the Desert. He went on to star in his breakthrough performances "The Trench", Layer Cake", "The Golden Compass" and "Lara Croft: Tomb Rider".

Craig became a household name when he was cast as the sixth actor to portray the fictional secret agent James Bond in the long-running Eon Production Film Series. He made his début as the character in the 2006 film, "Casino Royale" to critical acclaim and was nominated for a BAFTA award. His most recent Bond film, the 22nd James Bond movie, "Quantum of Solace", was released in the UK on 31 October 2008 and in the North America on 14 November 2008.

In November 2008, Open Salon named Daniel Craig one of its sexiest men living. According to Men's Vogue, Craig is now the highest paid actor in Britain.

In 1992, Craig married Scottish actress Fiona Loudon, with whom he has a daughter, Ella. However, the marriage ended in a divorce in 1994. After his divorce he was in a seven-year relationship with German actress Heike Makatsch and is currently in a relationship with Japanese American film producer Satsuki Mitchell.

He is a massive supporter of Welsh Soccer team Wrexham FC and has been since childhood. He often puts off filming if Wrexham are playing and he has stated that Dean Saunders, Mickey Thomas, Gary Bennett and Joey Jones are amongst his heroes. In March 2009 Sky Sports filmed Craig attending a Wrexham V Chester derby match in Chester, where Wrexham won 2-0. He is also an ardent fan of Rugby Union.

In October 2008, Craig paid £4 million for an apartment close to Regent's Park, London.

Chelsea Olivia Wijaya "The Shining Celebrity"

Chelsea Olivia Wijaya was born in Jakarta, July 29 1992. Chelsea start the public since the star sinetron "Cincin" success with his role as Sasta. RCTI sinetron that appear her with Ririn Dwi Arianty, Baim Wong, and Dude Herlino. Chelsea is the youngest child of three brothers.
First model of the world and had to make an album for children. Once incorporated into Indika Intertainment get her roles in Sinetron "Matahariku". After that bid, and ad sinetron play came to her. Her name is spoken after the star of controversy Sinetron "Buku Harian Nayla".

In addition to playing sinetron, Chelsea who are Protestant are busy singing with the BBB (Bukan Bintang Biasa) of the young celebrity like: Laudya Chintya Bella, Raffi Ahmad, Dimas Beck and Ayushita under the guidance of the creator of the song and singer Jimmy Bondoc. BBB group also planned to fill akan Soundtrack wide screen film titled No Ordinary Stars are.
The sinetron "Buku Harian Nayla" met her with Glenn Alinskie which is also new artists that has become her boyfriend. Glenn and Chelsea is confirmed by official court one day before the Chelsea's 15 year birthday on July 28 2007, after a relationship with Ricky Harun. In 2009 she is playing in sinetron "Melati Untuk Marvel" with Rezky Aditya.

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Valentino Rossi and Arianna Hot Pics

Valentino Rossi is involved the scandals bikini with Arianna, he may be tired out after the race ... yeah and then release a little tired with arianna.

The moto GP racer for Fiat Yamaha team which known as "The Doctor" has many fans conquer the kick through the middle of racing circuits. But in fact, the catapult-slingshot bar, this time kick lunge and sexual activity of the stars has become a fine dining for Italian public. Oggi magazine that first published the photos of this central Italian origin smooch while breast squeeze Arianna Matteuzzi the lovers in their voyage on the beach Conero. Rossi is only the dark-colored shorts plus sunglasses and Arianna is wearing a white bikini panties without using Topless.

The other a magazine Novella 2000 also load images' hot 'Rossi and Arianna is currently be naked chest, smoke and smooch. In the photo image is also caught two men suspected of well-knit is their personal bodyguard.

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

"Sexy Zac Efron" For the Girls Who Love Him..

Zachary David Alexander "Zac" Efron (born October 18, 1987) is an American actor and singer. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s, and became known to young audiences after his roles in the Disney Channel Original Movie "High School Musical", the WB series "Summerland", and the 2007 film version of the Broadway musical "Hairspray. Speaking to Newsweek in June 2006, director Adam Shankman described Efron as "arguably the biggest teen star in America right now."In 2007, right before the release of "High School Musical 2", Rolling Stone declared him the "poster boy for tweenyboppers" and featured him in their late August 2007 issue.

Efron owns an apartment in Los Angeles, California and has two dogs, Australian Shepherds named Dreamer and Puppy. He also has a Siamese cat named Simon. On January 15, 2008, Efron was hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for an emergency appendectomy. Efron was also on the "Forbes Celebrity 100" list in 2008, as number 92 with an estimated earning of $5.8 million from June 2007 to June 2008. As of April 5, 2009, his personal wealth equaled about $10 million dollars.

Vanessa Hudgens confirmed, in an October 2007 interview with Teen Magazone, that she and Efron had been dating since the filming of "High School Musical", which took place in 2005. They were still dating as of April 5, 2009.

Tips and Trick For Increase Your Alexa Rank and Get More Traffic

This discussion may have been a lot of people who also discussed. but I try to load again, as a material to increase web traffic rank in alexa

But before, we need to know whether the Alexa rank?

What is Traffic Rank?

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffic data sources, and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on a value derived from these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site’s current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.

What are sites and Web hosts?

Traffic is computed for sites, which are typically defined at the domain level. For example, the Web hosts, and are all treated as part of the same site, because they all reside on the same domain, An exception is blogs or personal home pages, which are treated separately if they can be automatically identified as such from the URLs in question. Also, sites which are found to be serving the same content (mirrors) are generally counted together as the same site.

What is Reach?

Reach measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a given site. So, for example, if a site like has a reach of 28%, this means that of all global Internet users measured by Alexa, 28% of them visit Alexa’s one-week and three-month average reach are measures of daily reach, averaged over the specified time period. The three-month change is determined by comparing a site’s current reach with its values from three months ago.

What are Page Views?

Page views measure the number of pages viewed by site visitors. Multiple page views of the same page made by the same user on the same day are counted only once. The page views per user numbers are the average numbers of unique pages viewed per user per day by the visitors to the site. The three-month change is determined by comparing a site’s current page view numbers with those from three months ago.

How Are Traffic Trend Graphs Calculated?

The Trend graph shows you a three-day moving average of the site’s daily traffic rank, charted over time. The daily traffic rank reflects the traffic to the site based on data for a single day. In contrast, the main traffic rank shown in the Alexa Toolbar and elsewhere in the service is calculated from three months of aggregate traffic data.

Daily traffic rankings will sometimes benefit sites with sporadically high traffic, while the three-month traffic ranking benefits sites with consistent traffic over time. Since we feel that consistent traffic is a better indication of a site’s value, we’ve chosen to use the three-month traffic rank to represent the site’s overall popularity. We use the daily traffic rank in the Trend graphs because it allows you to see short-term fluctuations in traffic much more clearly.

It is possible for a site’s three-month traffic rank to be higher than any single daily rank shown in the Trend graph. On any given day there may be many sites that temporarily shoot up in the rankings. But if a site has consistent traffic performance, it may end up with the best ranking when the traffic data are aggregated into the three-month average. A good analogy is a four-day golf tournament: if a different player comes in first at each match, but you come in second at all four matches, you can end up winning the tournament.

What is Data Normalization?

Alexa’s ranking methodology corrects for a large number of potential biases and calculates the ranks accordingly. We normalize based on the geographic location of site visitors. We correct for biases in the demographic distribution of site visitors. We correct for potential biases in the data collected from our Alexa Toolbar to better represent those types of site visitors who might not use an Alexa Toolbar.

How are Movers & Shakers Calculated?

The movers and shakers list is based on changes in average reach (numbers of users). For each site on the net, we compute the average weekly reach and compare it with the average reach during previous weeks. The more significant the change, the higher the site will be on the list. The percent change shown on the Movers & Shakers list is based on the change in reach. It is important to note that the traffic rankings shown on the Movers & Shakers page are weekly traffic rankings; they are not the same as the three-month average traffic rankings shown in the other Alexa services and are not the same as the reach numbers used to generate the list.

Some Important Disclaimers

The traffic data are based on the set of toolbars that use Alexa data, which may not be a representative sample of the global Internet population. To the extent that our sample of users differs from the set of all Internet users, our traffic estimates may over- or under-estimate the actual traffic to any particular site.

In some cases traffic data may also be adversely affected by our “site” definitions. With tens of millions of hosts on the Internet, our automated procedures for determining which hosts are serving the “same” content may be incorrect and/or out-of-date. Similarly, the determinations of domains and home pages may not always be accurate.

Sites with relatively low traffic will not be accurately ranked by Alexa. Alexa’s data comes from a large sample of several million Alexa Toolbar users and other traffic data sources; however, the size of the Web and concentration of users on the most popular sites make it difficult to accurately determine the ranking of sites with fewer than 1,000 monthly visitors. Generally, traffic rankings of 100,000 and above should be regarded as not reliable. Conversely, the closer a site gets to #1, the more reliable its traffic ranking becomes.

More can be added to the FAQ’s Alexa.

How to increase my Alexa Rank?

Just follow this steps:

1. Download the toolbar of Alexa, you can find on this page!

2. Submit your details blog info to Alexa!

3. So interesting number of visitors to your blog!

How to Get More Traffic?

1. Blogwalking is one effective way to get traffic

2. Bring visitors to your blog using the alexa toolbar

3. Join to social networking like Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, Plurk and promote your blog link to your friends

4. Join to Popular Forums to get back link

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

The New Pretty Celebrity "Yasmine Wildblood"

Yasmine Wildblood is an Indonesian celebrity. She was born on March 11th 1993 and has full name Yasmine Leeds Wildblood. She is the only one daughter of Brian Michael Wildblood the UK and Anita Siregar an Indonesian woman.

She has a personality that is very shy, untils she does not dare to speak with her grandmother as she is in the UK several years ago, also because she is very rarely met. But ever since she entered the entertainment world the more she can bring herself and have not known before, and she is very comfortable and good-hearted by friends.

She started her career in the field of acting since 2008. Earlier in her career she was a model for video clip of famous Indonesian band Nidji on their single entitled "Arti Sahabat".

Then forward her career with a role and some of her FTV directly into the main FTV since the first "Love bodyguard". After that she played on sinetron plunge into the world as Juwita in sinetron "Lia" who live on the RCTI. Yasmine's career climbed increasingly since that time, evidently because at the time of the shooting this Yasmine newest sinetron entitled "Cinta dan Anugerah", she acted as Aira, who live on the RCTI is very attractive and many people of Indonesia like it.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Marissa Nasution in Sexy Side..Enjoy!

Actress name : Vj Marrisa
Date of birth : February 8, 1986
Place of birth : Jakarta
Sex : Female

Marissa Nasution began her career on a models. She was very popular after followed MTV VJ HUNT 2007. Beside her appereance on MTV, Marissa also famous because of her love story with another VJ, Daniel Mananta.

You can see VJ Marrisa appereance on the movie, such as Namaku Dick, Mau Lagi?, and Mupeng (Muka Pengen).

This new Marissa sweetheart evidently was an old friend. "Known by us for a long time". Marissa chose to not cover his relations up. The past has been forgotten, we have knew several years ago. Not there are those that was kept secret. We only want private the atmosphere then, obviously Marissa the matter of her new sweetheart.

Increase Your Alexa Traffic Rank Within 1 Day

Alexa traffic rank is search engine that provide you details of your website traffic. I have heard Alexa since I joined Text Link Ads, they use this search engine to decide whether your website is accepted on their program or not as publisher or not.

Alexa is an company that maintains information about website traffic.

You can find out the most popular sites in a variety of categories such as business, sports, recreation, and shopping.

How do I use Alexa?

To access this tool, simply go to From there you can browse the topic of your business or type in a specific website in the 'Search the Web' box.

Let's use the gift basket business as an example. First, go to Alexa's home page and type in 'gift baskets' as a search. When your search results appear, look at the end of the description for the link titled 'Site Info.' This is where you will find your research gold.

What can I learn about the top ranked site?

When you click on the 'Site Info' link, lots of valuable information is displayed. The first thing to note is the traffic ranking of the website. The top gift basket site is ranked 119,370. Not bad considering there are millions of pages online at any given time.

Other useful information listed on this site info page is other websites that visitors also went to and the number of sites that link to this website. Other sites that link to the site can be very valuable - what search engines is the site listed in? Where are they advertising?

Next, click on the 'See Traffic Details' link near the top of the page. Look at the traffic for the site and note that in the last week the number of visitors has increased by almost 100,000. Wow! What could be the reason? The holidays? A contest? Their keywords and titles? An advertising campaign? Take a look at the site and see if there is a spectacular giveaway or something very attractive going on.


Alexa is a very powerful tool for researching your competitors. Also, be sure to look at your site's listing to find out how well it is doing compared to others in your industry. As you analyze your competitors, look for their strengths so that you can emulate them and also their weaknesses so that you can set your business apart.

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

"Leah Dizon" The Hottest and Sexiest Asian Girl..

Leah Dizon (born Leah Donna Dizon on September 24, 1986) is a television talent, model, gravure idol, singer, actress, and TV personality in Japan, born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her ethnicities include Chinese, Filipino and French. In 2006, she moved to Tokyo, Japan after signing with a Japanese talent agency and made her singing debut under Victor Entertainment with a download exclusive song, "Fever", a cover of Kylie Minogue's hit song.

She is the fourth of six children: she has two older brothers, an older sister, and two younger brothers. She says she grew up listening to rock and R&B music. She took dance lessons and was in her high school theater. After graduating from high school, Dizon moved to Los Angeles, California and began her modeling career.

While attending college as a film major, Dizon landed a phone company advertisement, made frequent appearances at events as a booth babe/Go-Go Dancer and posed for the cover features of various import-car magazines. This garnered her much attention and a fanbase overseas, predominantly in East Asia. One year after her pictures were posted up on the internet, she had over 2 million hits from search engines.

Michael Ballack Shirtless..For U Girls..

Michael Ballack Chelsea Midfielders
Height: 1.89m. Weight: 80.00kg. Nationality: Germany
Born: 26/09/1976 in

Honours of Michael Ballack
  • 1998 Bundesliga Winner (((FC)) Kaiserslautern)
  • 2002 Champions League Runner-up (Bayer Leverkusen)
  • 2002 German Cup Runner-up (Bayer Leverkusen)
  • 2002 World Cup Final Runner-up (Germany)
  • 2003 Bundesliga Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2003 German Cup Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2005 Bundesliga Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2005 German Cup Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2006 Bundesliga Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2006 German Cup Winner (Bayern Munich)
  • 2007 League Cup Winner (Chelsea)
  • 2008:: Champions League Runner-up (Chelsea)
  • 2008:: League Cup Runner-up (Chelsea)
  • 2008:: European Championships Runner-up (Germany)
  • 2009 FA Cup Winner (Chelsea)